Band of the week 03/2025
Origin: Mainz, Germany
Genre: Alternative Metal
Hier geht’s zur deutschen Version.
The band about itself:
Lack of Senses beleuchten ein breites Spektrum an Emotionen: von Herausforderungen wie Depressionen, Ängsten und Wut bis hin zu den schönen Seiten des Lebens wie Liebe, Hoffnung und Glück. Persönliche Erfahrungen und tief empfundene Gefühle bilden das Fundament ihrer Lieder. Ihre Botschaft ist klar: Du bist niemals allein! Diese Themen werden von sanften Melodien und kraftvollen Riffs umrahmt, was ein dynamisches Auf und Ab der Gefühle schafft. Mit Einflüssen aus verschiedensten Genres gelingt es der Band, Vielfalt und Harmonie zu vereinen, sodass jeder Auftritt ein unvergessliches Erlebnis wird.
Lack of Senses illuminate a broad spectrum of emotions: from challenges such as depression, fears and anger to the beautiful sides of life such as love, hope and happiness. Personal experiences and deeply felt emotions form the foundation of their songs. Their message is clear: you are never alone! These themes are framed by gentle melodies and powerful riffs, creating a dynamic ebb and flow of emotions. With influences from a wide variety of genres, the band manages to combine diversity and harmony, making every performance an unforgettable experience.
Editorial commentary:
There’s not really much more to add. I’ll try anyway. The first time I was able to experience Lack of Senses was at the first (and probably last) SAE Pit at SAE Frankfurt, and I was immediately impressed. After a brief conversation with the band after the gig about future concerts, they went to the Ponyhof in Altsachs in Frankfurt a few weeks later, where I was allowed to photograph them for Dark-Art. Unfortunately, Janina has not been on the microphone since then, but left the band amicably and handed over her position to Lena.
The shouts and clear vocals harmonize wonderfully with each other, the two guitars create a lot of power, but also atmosphere. “Up and down of emotions” describes it very well, one moment you’re in the middle of the pit, the next you’re hanging melancholically and thoughtfully in a corner or simply standing there with your eyes closed and just listening. The music literally sucks you in.
But the band doesn’t just sing about topics such as depression and anxiety, they also stand up for these issues. On their current Turn the Tides Tour, part of the ticket price goes to the German Depression Aid and Suicide Prevention Foundation. The tour still has two dates left, so treat yourself to this band and do something good! For the band, for you, and for your fellow human beings.
The band at Dark-Art:
Live impressions:
Music recommendation:
Upcoming live dates:
- 25.01.25 – NoISE LAB, Heuchelheim
- 01.02.25 – GMZ Georg-Buch-Haus, Wiesbaden
Band of the week is our weekly posting about a band we recommend and is posted every Tuesday at 8pm (CET). These are bands that are just at the beginning of their career and that we think should receive more attention.
You can also find all the bands we’ve featured this year in our playlist on Spotify!
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