Band of the week 7/2025
Origin: Switzerland
Genre: Folk Metal
Hier geht’s zur deutschen Version.
The band about itself:
Hear ye, hear ye! Grim swiss folklore legends and eerie medieval fantastic tales wraped in a shroud of epic orchestral folk metal are brought to you by the young bards of Battle Tales!
Editorial commentary:
I’ve actually known Battle Tales for over two years, because they were allowed to perform at Morgarten Fest 2023. Why I haven’t written a Band of the Week about them yet… I honestly have no idea!
In January, I was finally able to see them again at the Pagan Metal Matinee in Weinheim. I was really excited to see how the young bards had developed, as they released their second full-length album, Greed of a King in September last year. This gig was also to be the guys‘ first in Germany!
What can I say, I was not disappointed! The new songs come across just as well live as on record and the gig comes alive with the performance of the band members. I would especially like to emphasize the stage presence of singer and flautist Romaric. There’s nothing to complain about vocally either, because from clear vocals with a slight power metal edge to growls and screams, everything is spot on! It was really fun to listen to!
Thanks to their positive attitude on stage and the lively songs (especially where the flute dominated), it was easy for them to animate the audience into a wall of death and a mosh pit! Their mascot Edwin, a metal skeleton, also did his best, being driven to headbang by means of a pedal.
It was a real pleasure to finally see and meet the band again. What a successful debut in Germany!
Are you curious now? Then have a listen and give them a like!
The band at Dark-Art:
Live impressions:
Music recommendation:
Upcoming live dates:
27.-28.12.2025, No Sleep after XMas Festival, Runkel, Germany
Band of the week is our weekly posting about a band we recommend and is posted every Tuesday at 8pm (CET). These are bands that are just at the beginning of their career and that we think should receive more attention.
You can also find all the bands we’ve featured this year in our playlist on Spotify!