Band of the week 17/2024
Origin: New Zealand and Sweden
Genre: Atmosperic Black Metal
Hier geht’s zur deutschen Version.
The band about itself:
„Sojourner is an Atmospheric Metal band formed in 2014 with members from New Zealand, Sweden & Italy.“
Editorial commentary:
In my eternal search for new music in the pitch-black swamp of black metal, I stumbled across a flower called Sojourner and I was immediately enchanted! The band adds a certain dramatic and playful element to the already very atmospheric black metal with the supporting melodies. By this I mean occasional folk touches and the use of keyboards and synthesizers to make the music seem particularly epic.
However, I don’t want to give the reader the impression that this is a lovely dungeon synth project, as it is still black metal and especially on the first album Empires of Ash the music has a black edge that pops out from time to time and this certain offensiveness can also be found on their grandiose third and most recent album Premotions.
This contrast between epicness and aggressiveness is also a central aspect of the vocals. Emilio Crespo’s deep growls were first accompanied by Chloe Bray’s high vocals and, from 2021, by Lucia Amelia Emmanueli’s. It wasthe voices of the two ladies that formed a gentle, graceful counterpart to Emilio Crespo and, in my opinion, made the music unique.
The band at Dark-Art:
Music recommendation:
Band of the week is our weekly posting about a band we recommend and is posted every Tuesday at 8pm (CET). These are bands that are just at the beginning of their career and that we think should recieve more attention.