Band of the week: 47 Million Dollars

Band of the week 36/2024

Origin: Darmstadt, Germany
Genre: Darmstadt Hardcore

Hier geht’s zur deutschen Version.

The band about itself:

…denn es geht weiter… und weiter… täglich Jahr für Jahr – jedes Ende ein neuer Anfang auf unbekanntem Pfad

Editorial commentary:

47, as they are also simply known, are the epitome of hardcore from Darmstadt. Until a few years ago, I somehow missed them completely, but I got to know them as a support act at a legendary Biohazard concert in the Steinbruch Theater near Darmstadt and fell in love with them straight away. Straight, hard, but lovable chaos is the best way to describe them. Sometimes they just carry on playing with a split lip as if nothing was wrong. Very close to the audience, which you can always tell by the fact that Todd not only shouts his microphone himself, but also likes to hold it into the crowd or even just throws it in there. A mic, by the way, that reminds you of the golden age of rock’n’roll, as you can see in the pictures. For 25 years now they have been roaming the german stages, and they are firmly rooted in the German hardcore scene. This will also be evident at the upcoming 25th anniversary festival, Forstcore (see upcoming live dates), which I strongly recommend to everybody.

The band at Dark-Art:

Live impressions:

Music recommendation:

Upcoming live dates:




Band of the week is our weekly posting about a band we recommend and is posted every Tuesday at 8pm (CEST). These are bands that are just at the beginning of their career and that we think should recieve more attention.

You can also find all the bands we’ve featured this year in our playlist on Spotify!

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