Band of the week: 0% Mercury (English Version)

Band of the week 37/2023

Origin: Kharkiv, Ukraine
Genre: Hardcore, Alternative Metal, Rainbowrock, Kotichardcore

Editorial commentary:

The Metal Battle is a great opportunity to see bands live that you will probably never see again. For us photographers it is a curse and a blessing at the same time to see many bands in a short time, but often not very exciting. No banner, rarely some decoration, now and then more special stage appearance. A lot of Death Metal is represented and it is sometimes really tiring. And in between comes a band, which is then something special. So it was in 2023 0%Mercury!

The band, which calls its music among other things Rainbowrock comes from Ukraine and could occupy the third place in the competition. But that’s not all and should not stand alone, especially since that’s really no reason for a BDW. Standing in front of the stage at the Metal Battle, sometimes you don’t suspect what is about to happen if you haven’t studied the bands in depth. You can often roughly guess the genre from the sounds that can be heard during the changeover break, nothing more.
Not to be guessed is a singer, in a cute pink dress, who screams all the demons out of your body and an instrumental fraction, which has an unbelievable amount of fun and goes with it! So Rainbowrock, if this is Rainbowrock, then I like this genre. Shrill, strange, loud and full of energy the band was on stage and I had to move on after about 75% of their performance, a pity actually, but with a 20 minute slot not that bad. At home I looked a little bit further and found out that this very active band releases one song after the other and they are partly very different, but they have one thing in common: They stand out.

If and when they will honor us again is still in the stars, but I’m definitely looking forward to it and will keep an eye on this pearl among the metal battle bands!

Live impressions:

Music recommendation:





Band of the week is our weekly posting about a band we recommend and is posted every Tuesday at 8pm. These are bands that are just at the beginning of their career that we think need more attention. Please note that most of the articles are in German.

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Über Roksi 548 Artikel
Roksana Helscher, Fotografin und Redakteurin. Seit 2016 bei Dark-Art dabei, ein Teil der Chefredaktion und das Mädchen für alles. Seit meinen ersten Konzertfotografie-Gehversuchen in 2011 bis heute unterwegs und versuche das Geschehen auf großen und kleinen Bühnen zu dokumentieren.

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