Band of the week: The Old Salt Company

Band of the week 42/2023

Origin: Switzerland
Genre: Acoustic Pirate Folk, Shanty

Hier geht’s zur deutschen Version.


The band about itself:

Groupe de musique pirate.


Editorial commentary:

Under the flag of the buccaneers, the seven French-Swiss pirates of The Old Salt Company took over the Morgarten Fest. Fittingly, this took place on a converted barge on Lake Neuchâtel. Armed with all kinds of funny instruments like violin, bass, acoustic guitar, cajon, a drum with mounted cymbals, a mandolin and a number of smaller instruments, which I unfortunately cannot name, they knew how to entertain. With all their stuff, they stormed the barge and performed their shanties in the middle of the foredeck. Who needs a stage when you can have a whole foredeck! In the evening, they took the small stage again, where they made the boat rock. Also their show interludes and their announcements provided again and again for laughs and their music for proper swing. Dancing, jumping and singing… that was almost sport. They also made the visitors sway, because they had a wooden barrel with them on both days, filled with the finest whiskey, which was poured directly into the people via the tap. Yummy. If you like fine acoustic pirate folk, Irish folk and shanties, you should definitely check out this super friendly band. And leave them a „like“ right away! Ahoy!

Here you can also find the reports of the Morgarten Fest, Friday and Saturday (German content)!


Live impressions:

Music recommendation:

Upcoming live dates:

27.10.2023 @Banshee’s Lodge Fribourg




Band of the week is our weekly posting about a band we recommend and is posted every Tuesday at 8pm. These are bands that are just at the beginning of their career and that we think should recieve more attention.

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Über Steffi 209 Artikel
Fotografin und Schreiberling. Seit Frühjahr 2022 dabei, bin ich bevorzugt auf kleineren Festivals und Veranstaltungen im Bereich Pagan, Viking und Folkmetal, soweit atmospheric Black Metal und Melo Death unterwegs. Zu meinen Lieblingsbands zählen unter anderem Vanaheim, Cân Bardd und Dark Tranquillity.

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