Band of the week {mm}/2024
Origin: Nürnberg, Deutschland
Genre: Irish-Folk
Hier geht’s zur deutschen Version.
The band about itself:
Whether acoustically in the corner of a cozy pub or amplified on a big stage in front of 500 fans, whether it’s a wedding, divorce or the golden hamster’s name day, Hollow by the Mill have the right songs for every occasion and a friendly smile on their faces.
With this in mind: Roses are red, violets are blue, Hollows are awesome and so are you.
Editorial commentary:
If you’re looking for something a little quieter, then Hollow by the Mill can only be recommended. But don’t worry, they’re not too quiet, their acoustic set is convincing, but a good mood is still guaranteed. The boys‘ diverse repertoire covers the full spectrum of Irish folk. From quiet ballads to danceable numbers that get you moving, whether you like it or not. You can’t really stand still when the three of them come on stage and get going, unexpectedly you find yourself hanging on to the arms of the other listeners and swaying, or clapping, or singing along to one or two choruses. The program is peppered with stories about songs or anecdotes about the band. Sometimes, the one or other reinterpretation of well-known rock or metal songs creeps in, presenting the song in a completely new way. All in all, a guarantee for a great, fun, entertaining evening. If you come across a concert notice somewhere, take your time and go, it will be an experience. The singer Patrick is also on Twitch from time to time as The Modest Boozer, where you can find some videos of his skills.
The band at Dark-Art:
- Konzertbericht: Fantasy Folk Fest – bHof 14. September 2024
- Konzertbericht: Zwergentanz Festival, 13.04.2024
Live impressions:
Band of the week is our weekly posting about a band we recommend and is posted every Tuesday at 8pm (CEST). These are bands that are just at the beginning of their career and that we think should recieve more attention.
You can also find all the bands we’ve featured this year in our playlist on Spotify!