Band of the week: Favor the Bold

Band of the week 46/2023

Origin: Wiesloch/Heidelberg, Germany
Genre: Hardcore/Punk 

Hier geht’s zur deutschen Version.


The band about itself:

Fortune favours the bold.

An attitude to life that combines positive energy with the desire for change. Just as punkcore is a commitment to tolerance, solidarity and cohesion in difficult times.

In their music, Favor The Bold combine the raw energy of hardcore punk with elements of more melodic punk rock; taking a political and social stand is just as important as fast and driving rhythms and aggressive guitar riffs.

The fun that Favor The Bold has at their live gigs is infectious and the audience always finds itself part of a big energetic party.

Become part of the Favor The Bold punkcore family and attend the next show.


Editorial commentary:

I first came across Favor the Bold in March this year when they played at the Alte Hackerei in Karlsruhe as support for Tausend Löwen Unter Feinden from Düsseldorf. Already then I remembered them thanks to their confident, authentic show and their mixture of hardcore/punk was able to pick me up straight away. When they gradually released their first singles on Spotify, YouTube etc., I couldn’t imagine my playlists without them. In October, our paths crossed again at the Waldpark Open Air in Mutterstadt and the impression I had made was confirmed. Favor the Bold stand for energetic music that always goes forwards and takes a clear stand with their sometimes German, sometimes English lyrics. So if you like all of the above, you’re in good hands with this band – let’s wait and see what else they have in store for us in the future.


Live impressions:


Music recommendation:





Band of the week is our weekly posting about a band we recommend and is posted every Tuesday at 8pm (CET). These are bands that are just at the beginning of their career and that we think should recieve more attention.

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