Band of the week: Nephylim

Band of the week 47/2023

Origin: Netherlands
Genre: Melodic Death Metal

Hier geht’s zur deutschen Version.


The band about itself:

In the winter of 2015 longtime friends Kevin van Geffen and Rens van de Ven started a new project mainly focused on Scandinavian Melodic Death metal: Nephylim.

However, misfortunate comes in threes… Nephylim and the rest of the world were struck by the biggest global crisis in generations: the Corona years (2020-2022). In short: no shows, no freedom, no life.

Luckily, the year 2022 can be labelled as the year that Nephylim finally had their break through! With the highlight of their win of the Dutch Wacken MetalBattle, followed by the 4th place at the Wacken International Finals 2022 and shows at Wacken Open Air, Baroeg Open Air, Let the Bad Times Roll Festival and many more.

With new releases on the horizon, with the single “WITHERED” as the very first, Nephylim is hungry for more… Much more!

That was just an excerpt from the band’s bio. You can read the full biography here on the homepage!

Editorial commentary:

I had the pleasure of seeing Nephylim twice in October, as they were supporting Vanaheim at the two Heidennachten gigs. I have to admit, unfortunately the band had completely passed me by before, although I love Melo Death, I hadn’t heard of them before. Even though they came fourth in the Wacken Metal Battle 2022. Shame on me… So that this doesn’t happen to you, I treat you and them to this Band of the Week!

When the lights went out, I was really excited to see what awaited me… And I was not disappointed. The finest melodic death metal as it is written in the book. The growls were spot on, the guitar work was great and on top of that there were five guys who were really up for it. Singer Tijn has an unbelievably great and engaging stage presence that doesn’t come across as artificial or contrived, nor is it. Always interacting with the audience, he couldn’t resist jumping into the crowd to instigate a mosh pit or join in if it wasn’t wild enough in his opinion. But the others didn’t miss the opportunity either, and every once in a while they would pull up their instruments or interact with each other. All in all, it was a very harmonious and lively performance.

They also recently won first place in the talent competition at the first edition of The Rock Circus Festival in the Netherlands, securing them a place on one of the big stages next year! Congratulations!

But not only do they really have what it takes musically, the guys were also super likeable off stage. Thanks to Tijn for the great party at Vanaheim. 🙂

In conclusion, the only thing left to say is, listen to them, they deserve it! And I’m looking forward to hopefully seeing them on stage again soon! Then maybe with their actual drummer, who was unfortunately unable to attend both gigs. Until then, Nephyboys 😉


Live impressions:


Music recommendation:

Upcoming live dates:

01.12.2023, Triple Threat Metal Fest, The Hague, Netherlands





Band of the week is our weekly posting about a band we recommend and is posted every Tuesday at 8pm (CET). These are bands that are just at the beginning of their career and that we think should recieve more attention.

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