Band of the week: Dear Mother

Band of the week 48/2023

Origin: Netherlands
Genre: Alternative Metal

Hier geht’s zur deutschen Version.


The band about itself:

DEAR MOTHER is the brainchild of Dutch guitarist Merel Bechtold and Czech vocalist David Pear. “We both had demons in our individual and musical lives, but we always knew what we wanted to achieve, so when our paths eventually crossed the chemistry completely took over and there was not a grain of doubt that this is a bond of a lifetime”. And guess what? They actually met on Facebook.


Editorial commentary:

Trio – duo – band … the development of Dear Mother was bumpy and at the beginning it was not entirely clear in which direction the project should lead. Merel left Delain in 2015 and many people wondered what would become of the charming guitarist, who still needs to master the death glare. Purest of Pain didn’t really exist anymore and MaYaN is still more of a Best of Dutch Symphonic Death Metal Musicians. In David Pear, she found an ally with whom she also wanted to plan her musical future. When Delain initially broke up in 2021, Joey de Boer (drums) joined Dear Mother and the first record was recorded … like so many newcomers by means of a crowdfunding campaign.

Sonically, the band navigates the space between Alternative Metal and Metalcore. Depending on the mood, David switches between clean vocals and screams, always delivering a powerful vocal presence. Merel’s technically riffing and groove was carried over from Delain, yet with Dear Mother a Djent influence is also present. Merel’s guitar sound can be characterized by uncompromising heaviness yet is always song-oriented.
Dear Mother are certainly an influenced by Linkin Park  and do remind me of Bring me the Horizon or Architects when listening.

The trio played their first shows in May 2022, but by September it was clear that Joey would not be staying with Dear Mother permanently. Another ex-Delainer took over the drums: Ruben Israel.

It was clear from the start that there were simply too few of them on stage to achieve the Dear Mother sound. The band lacked a second guitar and a bass. Ferry Dysens (Ayreon) and Desmond Kuijk complete the quintet, with Ferry, as a long-time companion, being on stage during early rehearsals and the first shows.

Live impressions:

Music recommendation:


Upcoming live dates:

  • 17 04 2024 PATRONAAT, HAARLEM (NL)
  • 19 04 2024 LUXOR, ARNHEM (NL)





Band of the week is our weekly posting about a band we recommend and is posted every Tuesday at 8pm (CET). These are bands that are just at the beginning of their career and that we think should recieve more attention.

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