Band of the week 52/2023
Origin: Frankreich, Paris, Île-de-France
Genre: Black Metal
Hier geht’s zur deutschen Version.
The band about itself:
„Formed in 2021, Houle is a melodic black metal band from Paris, combining sharp riffs and haunting melodies.
Inspired by the implacable grandeur of the ocean and marine worlds, the band forces that transcend and surpass them.
transcend. It’s a journey in which each of us must brave chaos and the unknown and the unknown in order to find the tranquillity of the destination.“
Editorial commentary:
Unknown bands at a festival are an exciting thing: can they convince me or not? When I write a preliminary report for a festival, I also have to do some research on the bands in question. In the case of Houle, I seemed to have found an interesting band: Black Metal with a maritime theme, which comes from France and hasn’t released an album yet. A young, fresh band with a rather unusual overall concept. Of course, there are already some bands who refer to the sea and its incredible depths in their songs, but their number is very small. I have also developed a certain affection for the French black metal scene and its bands. I’m thinking of Alcest, Belore or Depressive Witches, whose music is forever on rotation in my playlist. I wanted to know whether or not Houle could join the ranks of these bands.
On Saturday at War against War II, I was able to experience Houle live. They were the first band to open a long day. The intro was the sound of waves and it was getting dark. Five sailors in long hooded coats and wellies appeared on stage. The singer Adèle Adsa alias Adsagsona was particularly impressive. She entered the stage swaying. I bought her and the band’s moves and felt like I was standing on swaying planks myself. But our journey together didn’t end there. At some point, Adsagsona unpacked a harpoon and waved it around. Again and again she stabbed it in the direction of the crowd and screamed death-defyingly into the microphone. Rarely have I seen so much devotion in a performance. Completely overwhelmed, I staggered to her merch stand at the end of the show and chatted with the band.
While they kindly signed my drumstick, we chatted a bit and I got to know a down-to-earth group of musicians. I was there live as their stock of patches and other merchandise was almost completely bought up. Apparently I wasn’t alone in my enthusiasm and Houle can join the ranks of good French bands. They left some kind words for the War against War crowd:
„It was an absolute joy for us to play at War Against War Festival this year, along with the other amazing bands that made it such an incredible lineup. It is crazy to think that Berlin was the biggest show we ever played, but safe to say that it couldn’t have been any more perfect ! The response to our concert and the feedback we received went beyond our expectations and everyone made us feel instantly at home. Thank you Germany, hopefully you enjoyed our music as much as we enjoyed being a part of the show ! We’ll bring you an even bigger storm next time, you have been warned.“ – Houle
Live impressions:
Music recommendation:
Band of the week is our weekly posting about a band we recommend and is posted every Tuesday at 8pm (CET). These are bands that are just at the beginning of their career and that we think should recieve more attention.