Online-Benefizkonzert am 19.12.2020 mit Welicoruss

Auch unsere Nachbarn in der Tschechischen Republik dürfen seit geraumer Zeit kaum noch normale Konzerte stattfinden lassen, so hat sich auch dort das Konzept des Streaming-Konzerts bewehrt, vor allem für Benefizkonzerte. So findet am Samstag, den 19. Dezember ein Streaming-Benefizkonzert mit folgenden Bands statt: Welicoruss, Innersphere, Pačess, V.A.R, Purnama, We Are Dust You Turn Into und F.A. King. 
Alle Informationen dazu hier oder in der Facebook-Veranstaltung.
Important information
On 19. 12. 2020 from 16:00 there will be an Online Benefit Concert on the youtube channel PurnamaMetal, which will be completely free for everyone and will be dedicated to a boy with muscular dystrophy. During the broadcast, we will share the stream link here. You will be able to send a voluntary contribution to Florimon to the account number, which will be published on the day of the event. All proceeds to the last crown will go to Florimon for everything he needs to help defeat his illness. Anyone who sends any amount and writes their name and surname will be published in the record. You can look forward to theese bands – Welicoruss, Innersphere, Pačess, V.A.R, Purnama, We Are Dust You Turn Into and F.A. King. During the program you will also see a fiery performance by the Alterna group. The organizing team of the Mezivrchy festival, the streaming company Freelom and a professional sound engineer will take care of the video and sound transmission. For all the financial expenses associated with this event, we contributed together all the performers and the entire organizational team. We want to thank all our fans and followers who are already here with us and the future ones. Thank you for sharing information about the concert. At the same time, before we remember the story of Flori once again, we want to ask you something. Wish us luck! We all know very well how unpredictable time is. But we can promise to fight to the blood! This is metal and we just won’t give up on it.
So here’s once again the story of Flori. In the discussion of the event, you will find videos and photos with Florimon in the history of posts. There will definitely be more. We look forward to you.
From an early age, Florimon has been struggling with an incurable disease – progressive muscular dystrophy. In June this year, he got into a difficult situation from day to day, thanks to which the whole family’s life has changed literally by 100%. Flori fell to the ground of personal assistants during a respite relief stay. He had a serious combined injury. He broke his femur and 2 thoracic vertebrae. He spent a month in hospital, underwent operations in Jablonec, then was transferred to Motol due to respiratory failure of the lungs due to anesthesia and vertebral fractures. At the Motol Hospital, Florimon was converted to permanently pressure-controlled artificial lung ventilation during sleep, without which he cannot live. In a child with muscular dystrophy, a high risk of pressure ulcers and osteoporosis, long-term bed rest is a problem during healing of fractures. In 100 days while lying down, he lost most of the remaining muscle mass. The operated leg after osteosynthesis will heal for about 1 year, the broken vertebrae have already healed, but both with an uncertain result due to the serious condition. His doctors placed him in support of the Child Palliative Care Team. However, there are no services in this direction in the Liberec region, and so far no one has been able to find anyone to provide Flori for a few hours a month. Physiotherapists go to Florim’s house three times a week for direct payment and they cannot do without a lot of aids and needs that are not covered by the health insurance company (disposable oximeter sensors, hoses and filters for lung ventilation, rehabilitation, orthoses, special nutritional supplements…). They will be very grateful for any support and help.
Über Roksi 548 Artikel
Roksana Helscher, Fotografin und Redakteurin. Seit 2016 bei Dark-Art dabei, ein Teil der Chefredaktion und das Mädchen für alles. Seit meinen ersten Konzertfotografie-Gehversuchen in 2011 bis heute unterwegs und versuche das Geschehen auf großen und kleinen Bühnen zu dokumentieren.

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