Band of the week 04/2024
Origin: Offenbach am Main, Germany
Genre: Indie & Punk
Hier geht’s zur deutschen Version.
The band about itself:
„Frau Ruth make music for those who roam the city at night with their hoods over their heads. For those who are never really sure of themselves. For those who still dream a little of tomorrow. Ms. Ruth make songs for parents who worry. Songs for friends who are getting older. Songs for everyone who welcomes everyone. Since 2016, Frau Ruth have been making songs that invite you to think, dance, dream and love. Always with their heart on their sleeve and a cigarette behind their ear.“
(Translated from German.)
Editorial commentary:
If you like German indie punk and want to support smaller, regional bands, you should definitely give Frau Ruth a listen! The combination of soulful, nostalgic and sometimes socially critical lyrics, paired with singer Mo’s raspy, deep voice, takes you back to the days when, as a teenager, you just wanted to have fun with your friends, didn’t want to have any responsibilities and also makes you think. I’ve known the band for years and it’s always great to see them live on stage. Every concert is characterized by a very familiar and warm atmosphere. And when Frau Ruth takes the stage, everyone is fully involved right from the start!
I particularly remember the summer concert at the end of June last year at the Schanz in Mühlheim. Not only because it happened to be my birthday and I even got a birthday song from the band and all the guests, but also because it had exactly that rustic character of a cozy pub evening with friends. You saw familiar faces but of course also met new people and the nice thing is that you felt a direct connection to each other. There was also free beer, funny and profound conversations and, of course, good music. The Schanz is Frau Ruth’s second home, so to speak, and you could tell. The boys felt right at home on stage and the audience was also in an exuberant mood. I think we all know that feeling when you are completely absorbed in the music and the moment and can simply forget about everyday life for a few hours, like in a little safe space. Just relax and that’s what makes a good, successful concert. And this was just such an evening. To describe it with a quote from the band’s song Tanzen:
„Jetzt vergiss dein‘ Tag, vergiss was dich plagt. Komm mit uns, denn wir ziehen durch die Nacht. Was könnte schöner sein? Keiner bleibt allein! Es hält ein Leben lang, wir glauben fest daran!“
„Now forget your day, forget what ails you. Come with us, because we’re moving through the night. What could be more beautiful? No one stays alone! It lasts a lifetime, we firmly believe in it!“
But who is actually behind Frau Ruth? The band was founded in 2016 by Paul (bass), Mo (vocals and guitar), Steffen (drums) and Sven (trombone and keyboard). The guys already have stage experience and have been making music together for some time. In 2018, the four released their first EP Kneipentour. The second EP Immer hier followed in 2019. Sven left the band at the end of the year. But Frau Ruth doesn’t stay with the three of them for long, as they welcome Christof (vocals and guitar) as a new member in spring 2020. Some people who follow the local music scene in Frankfurt and the surrounding area already know Chris from his old band SHAWN. Unfortunately, the four of them are no longer on stage for the time being, but this forced break was of course used to write new songs. This resulted in the singles Tontauben (2022), Kaputt (2022) and Landschulheim (2023). They have also been guests at regional festivals such as the Karben Open Air, Raus aus dem Keller Festival or the Trebur Open Air and many others and have made the visitors dance!
I can really warmly recommend the band to you! So have a listen and pay a visit to their social media channels. As always, you’ll find all the links below.
The band at Dark-Art:
Live impressions:
Music recommendation:
Band of the week is our weekly posting about a band we recommend and is posted every Tuesday at 8pm (CET). These are bands that are just at the beginning of their career and that we think should recieve more attention.