Band of the week: Planeswalker

Band of the Week: Planeswalker

Band of the week 19/2024 Planeswalker

Origin: Sacramento, California
Genre: Power Metal

Hier geht’s zur deutschen Version.


The band about itself:

Power Metal Band inspired by Magic the Gathering

Featuring members of Gloryhammer and Helion Prime

Editorial commentary:

Admittedly, I’m once again coming up with a band that I found by complete chance. I already told you about the adventurous find of Band Of Romulus, a power metal band from the USA that thematically deals with an eponymous alien race of a science fiction franchise. After their song, autoplay led me to a track by another band that I also didn’t know: Planeswalker.

Just so you know, if you search for the name, you end up in a giant ‘Magic: The Gathering’ rabbit hole that I haven’t yet dared to enter. But let’s get to the band: the band’s music is centred around the aforementioned trading card game. If you’re more familiar with it than I am: Listen to it! If you’re not: Listen to it anyway, because despite my complete lack of knowledge, I think it’s really well done. The band released their first album Tales of Magic in 2022. Since then, things have been a little quieter, which could be partly due to the fact that singer Sozos Michael now plays Angus McFife II in Gloryhammer. But that’s not the end. The band recently announced via social media that new music is coming! Whether we will ever get to see this band in Europe is not yet foreseeable, but when the time comes, we will report!

Music recommendation:




Band of the week is our weekly posting about a band we recommend and is posted every Tuesday at 8pm (CEST). These are bands that are just at the beginning of their career and that we think should recieve more attention.

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Über Roksi 562 Artikel
Roksana Helscher, Fotografin und Redakteurin. Seit 2016 bei Dark-Art dabei, ein Teil der Chefredaktion und das Mädchen für alles. Seit meinen ersten Konzertfotografie-Gehversuchen in 2011 bis heute unterwegs und versuche das Geschehen auf großen und kleinen Bühnen zu dokumentieren.

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