Band of the week: Antrisch

Band of the Week layout with the Emblem of the atmospheric Black Metal Band Antrisch

Band of the week 22/2024

Origin: Germany
Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal

Hier geht’s zur deutschen Version.


The band about itself:

ANTRISCH is a musical & lyrical expedition to the heights of the world and the depths of man.



Editorial commentary:

Antrisch first appeared in my field of view after the Mead & Greed Festival in 2023. It was there that Kromlek played their first of the two very last gigs with this band. But the musicians and singer Christian had already devoted themselves to colder climes and had already released their second expedition with Antrisch. A themed atmospheric black metal project, I was curious!

So I listened to it straight away and thought it was very good. Concept albums that deal with different expeditions and reflect them lyrically were something I had never heard before.

At the Dark Troll Festival in the same year, the dot was placed behind the pagan formation Kromlek, giving the band a worthy finale. But what does all this have to do with Antrisch? Quite simply… At that time, the atmospheric black metal project was purely a studio project. When I asked if they were considering bringing it to the stage, they waved it off. Not anytime soon, was the answer.

So I was all the more surprised and really happy when the Dark Troll Festival and the Noisebringer Fest announced Antrisch for the following year!

In the meantime, the year had passed, and the band had already played a few gigs, which I naturally followed with great curiosity. The anticipation of finally seeing the band at Dark Troll was growing. And what can I say, I was not disappointed. What a terrific gig! What a total demolition!

Despite the heat that day, the guys managed to create an ice-cold, atmospheric blanket over the courtyard, which was not only due to the really strong music, but also to the performance of the musicians themselves. They all played their parts almost perfectly. The grim expressions on their faces and the sometimes wandering gaze of singer Maurice Wilson, everything was just right. It was dark, emotional and left me, and so many others, simply speechless and completely flattened. They also played their longest set to date that day and, as with the other gigs, split it into two halves.

The first part was about the latest album EXPEDITION II : Die Passage, with matching authentic stage clothes in a maritime look. In the second part, EXPEDITION I : Dissonanzgrat was performed on stage, also with thematically appropriate clothing, this time in thick sweaters, with caps and Maurice Wilson with a rope over his shoulder. The icing on the cake were the two “snow cannons”, which also provided a fitting ambience. Antrisch simply don’t do things by halves!

As you can see, I give them a very clear recommendation! Listen to the album, form your own opinion and if you like it, take the chance to see Antrisch live at the next opportunity and join the expeditions!

I’m already looking forward to hopefully seeing them again soon and to many more nice moments and conversations with them!


The band at Dark-Art:


Live impressions:

Music recommendation:


Upcoming live dates:

08 November 2024 @War against War Festival III – Berlin
24-26 April 2025 @Ragnarök Festival – Lichtenfels





Band of the week is our weekly posting about a band we recommend and is posted every Tuesday at 8pm (CEST). These are bands that are just at the beginning of their career and that we think should recieve more attention.

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Über Steffi 192 Artikel
Fotografin und Schreiberling. Seit Frühjahr 2022 dabei, angeschleppt wurde ich von Roksi und Matthias, welche mein Interesse an der Konzertfotografie geweckt haben. Ich bin bevorzugt auf kleineren Festivals und Veranstaltungen im Bereich Pagan, Viking und Folkmetal, soweit atmospheric Black Metal und Melo Death unterwegs. Zu meinen Lieblingsbands zählen unter anderem Vanaheim, Cân Bardd und Dark Tranquility

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