Band of the week: Gun Called Britney

Band of the week 02/2025

Origin: Hamburg, Germany 
Genre: Sleaze-Rock

Hier geht’s zur deutschen Version.


The band about itself:

Gun Called Britney was formed in 2019. In the same year, the band reached the finals of the Hamburg Band Contest, performing on the stage of the legendary Große Freiheit 36. Shortly after, the band released their first EP. The „Metal Hammer“ magazine was convinced:

The Hamburg sleaze rockers throw a band-titled EP into the ring, causing more than just appreciative attention among fans of leopard-print pants. A song like ‚Gipsy‘ doesn’t have to hide behind the New Wave Of Hair Metal that primarily originated in Scandinavia 15 years ago or even some of the original 80s bands. […] The precisely produced Sunset Strip sound adds to it, blowing the ill-fitting carnival wigs off the heads of all Steel Panther imitators.“ 11/2020 Metal Hammer

The four musicians are in their early 30s and love what they do. It’s easy for them to convince the audience and the organizers and make them to want to see it again. Their live show leaves nothing to be desired. Modified electric guitars equipped with lasers and fog machines, charismatic musicians sharing a common goal: to move the audience and free them from the machinery of their everyday life. Even if it‘s only for the duration of one show.

Editorial commentary:

How do you get to know a band? Spotify algorithms, YouTube, recommendations from friends, a friendly support act at a concert or a chance discovery at a festival are my ways of finding new bands. This time it was a little different. I read the happy news in a WhatsApp status that this person is now playing in a band and out of curiosity I listened in straight away! That’s how transparent I want to be here.
Gun Called Britany play sleaze rock, a genre that I admittedly had to google first, because I could definitely hear the similarities to hard rock and glam metal, but I wasn’t so aware of the difference. After a quick check, I realized that I wasn’t that far off with my classification. In terms of sound, the band may be modeled on their role models from the late 1980s, but the music also has a more modern touch, one that makes the band stand out a little. Because let’s be honest, there are many bands in the German-speaking world, many new bands in particular, but there are probably more new bands in every genre than in this one.

So I listened to it and realized that I also like the band’s lyrics, somewhere between “good old days” and playing with clichés but also more. It doesn’t reinvent the wheel, but it oils the old gearbox and gets it running again, and if you like that kind of thing, you should definitely check it out! The band plays regularly in Hamburg, the distance is the only thing that has kept me from seeing this band live, but I should definitely change that and so should you!

Live impressions:

Music recommendation:


Upcoming live dates:

10.01.2025 Treibsand – Lübeck
11.01.2025 Molly Malone – Hamburg
21.02.2025 Molly Malone – Hamburg
22.03.2025 Molly Malone – Hamburg
19.04.2025 Molly Malone – Hamburg




Band of the week is our weekly posting about a band we recommend and is posted every Tuesday at 8pm (CET). These are bands that are just at the beginning of their career and that we think should recieve more attention.

You can also find all the bands we’ve featured this year in our playlist on Spotify!

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Über Roksi 548 Artikel
Roksana Helscher, Fotografin und Redakteurin. Seit 2016 bei Dark-Art dabei, ein Teil der Chefredaktion und das Mädchen für alles. Seit meinen ersten Konzertfotografie-Gehversuchen in 2011 bis heute unterwegs und versuche das Geschehen auf großen und kleinen Bühnen zu dokumentieren.

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