Band of the week: Goldmann

Band of the week 14/2024

Origin: Stuttgart
Genre: Pop-Metal

Hier geht’s zur deutschen Version.


The band about itself:

“GOLDMANN” – is a German pop-metal band characterized by their unique fusion of rap elements, melodic vocals and the hard sound of the metal genre. Low-tuned guitars, catchy vocal melodies and energetic breakdowns make GOLDMANN’s sound unmistakable. With their mixture of rap, metal and pop, they break down German musical boundaries and have something for every music enthusiast.

(translated from German)


Editorial commentary:

This description made me curious when Goldmann were announced for the second AKK Metal Mania. Pop metal? How can you imagine that? Well, the guys from Stuttgart combine a modern metalcore sound with strong clean vocals that are crystal clear and always catchy, especially in the choruses. There are also occasional rap interludes, which should appeal to Casper fans in particular and fit perfectly into the songs. In terms of sound alone, Goldmann clearly stand out from the crowd, coming across as quite poppy, but every single song retains a certain basic heaviness. All of this means that the term pop metal describes this overall package very well. This concept works perfectly live, Goldmann convince with a performance full of energy and passion, the spark jumps over right from the start and you feel like you’re under their spell. Speaking of ‘under their spell’: the band not only succeeds in doing this easily on stage with their songs. Written entirely in German, the personal lyrics always manage to speak from the soul. You recognize yourself more than once and can lose yourself completely in this music. Hats off, Goldmann.


The band at Dark-Art:


Live impressions:

Music recommendation:



Upcoming live dates:

0.04.2024 – Backnang – JUZE – Metalcore Mania #1

26.04.2024 – Stuttgart – Goldmarks – w/Mindead





Band of the week is our weekly posting about a band we recommend and is posted every Tuesday at 8pm (CEST). These are bands that are just at the beginning of their career and that we think should recieve more attention.

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